Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ultimate Skirts

There's nothing more intimidating than standing on the line across from a team whose girls are completely decked out in skirts. If you think about it, these girls are pretty bad ass. First of all, they can probably sew, sewing being no easy feat in and of itself. Second, they're playing the same sport as you, but instead of sticking to the norm and throwing on a pair of loose fitting ultimate shorts, they said heck no to the camel-toe, I'm doing this in a skirt.

I've been an avid skirt wearer since being introduced to the idea by a friend  last year. With the right pair of spandex, playing in a skirt can be a whole lot more comfortable than playing in ultimate shorts. Comfort debate aside, there's no arguing the cost efficiency. With two yards of fabric and enough elastic to fit around your waist, you can make a sweet ultimate skirt for about $8! From shimmery fabric to quirky patterns, the possibilities are endless.

Besides being a comfortable cheap alternative to shorts, making skirts can be a fun team bonding activity. My team began a ritual this year where we run to the fabric store together and have a skirt making party at someone's house, preferably someone with a sewing machine. Pair the skirts with a t-shirt decorated in puffy paint or spray paint and you have a fall team uniform fit to intimidate the shorts off your opponents.

This video provides instructions for just one way to make a skirt, keep in mind there are lots of ways to do it!

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